WeddinG songs & speeches |
This section is a work in progress. If you have any songs or scripts to add please contact us. For now here are a few tidbits!
Blahoslovennya (Blessing):
The Starosty says: "As these two children stand before their own mother, before their own father, before their uncles, before their godparents; maybe they did not listen to one of you, I ask you to forgive them and bless them." Then the family members repeat "Bih sviatyi" (May Holy God forgive and bless you) three times. The couple then bows to their parents and kisses their faces, hands, and feet. This blessing is performed three times. This ritual symbolizes forgiveness for any sins, and a blessing of the marriage from the parents.
Greeting the Bride and Groom at the reception:
The parents of the Bride and Groom say: "We welcome you as a married couple to the community and to our respective families. Accept these gifts as a symbol of your marriage. Bread – that your home may never know hunger; salt – that life may always have flavor; honey – so that you may enjoy the sweetness of life; and vodka/wine/horilka that joy and prosperity may reign forever. Mnohaya Lita! Na Zdorovya!"
Toasting and Kissing
Every toast ends in the Ukrainian phrase “Hirko!”, meaning “bitter”, which indicates that the bride and groom had to kiss.
There is a song as well that goes "Гіркая, гіркая, гіркая вода, нехай поцілується пара молода. Гірко....
- Не будемо їсти, не будемо пити. Треба попросити, щоб підсолодити!"
Watch a version of it here:
Many Happy Years
The song most often heard at almost every Ukrainian celebration is the song Mnohaya Lita (Многая літа). Translating to Many Happy Years it is a must at any Ukrainian wedding. There are a number of different melodies, which a quick internet search will pull up numerous options.
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая, Многая літa.
and a more religious version:
Многая літа, літа, многая літа!
Многая літа, літа, многая літа!
Во здравіє во спасеніє! (for health and salvation)
Многая, многая літа!
Go to the next Traditions section: How to Catch a Mate
The Starosty says: "As these two children stand before their own mother, before their own father, before their uncles, before their godparents; maybe they did not listen to one of you, I ask you to forgive them and bless them." Then the family members repeat "Bih sviatyi" (May Holy God forgive and bless you) three times. The couple then bows to their parents and kisses their faces, hands, and feet. This blessing is performed three times. This ritual symbolizes forgiveness for any sins, and a blessing of the marriage from the parents.
Greeting the Bride and Groom at the reception:
The parents of the Bride and Groom say: "We welcome you as a married couple to the community and to our respective families. Accept these gifts as a symbol of your marriage. Bread – that your home may never know hunger; salt – that life may always have flavor; honey – so that you may enjoy the sweetness of life; and vodka/wine/horilka that joy and prosperity may reign forever. Mnohaya Lita! Na Zdorovya!"
Toasting and Kissing
Every toast ends in the Ukrainian phrase “Hirko!”, meaning “bitter”, which indicates that the bride and groom had to kiss.
There is a song as well that goes "Гіркая, гіркая, гіркая вода, нехай поцілується пара молода. Гірко....
- Не будемо їсти, не будемо пити. Треба попросити, щоб підсолодити!"
Watch a version of it here:
Many Happy Years
The song most often heard at almost every Ukrainian celebration is the song Mnohaya Lita (Многая літа). Translating to Many Happy Years it is a must at any Ukrainian wedding. There are a number of different melodies, which a quick internet search will pull up numerous options.
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая літа, Многая літа,
Многая, Многая літa.
and a more religious version:
Многая літа, літа, многая літа!
Многая літа, літа, многая літа!
Во здравіє во спасеніє! (for health and salvation)
Многая, многая літа!
Go to the next Traditions section: How to Catch a Mate