Ukrainian Weddings are like a play or maybe like a Broadway Musical. There are 3 Acts, 33 Scenes, various location set changes, different costumes, music and lots of actors. Your wedding might incorporate all or just a few of these traditions. Or your family may have their own traditions different from these that you may be part of your big day. Many of the traditions listed have been lost to time, distance, finances and feasibility. Most Ukrainians no longer live in a village surrounded by family and friends. Some make the trek home to have their wedding in their family's village. Some have them where they live now or recently, destination weddings are de rigueur.
Most Ukrainian weddings were held in the Early Spring or Autumn so as not to interfere with the important planting, farming and harvesting schedule. Take a look at Forbidden Days to Marry to see a calendar of days to and not to marry. Some weddings last for more than 3 days, sometimes there are weeks of celebrating with dancing, singing, long toasts, and feasts that includes the entire community. Typically, in Ukraine, the main festivities occurred on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. In North America, Saturday has the highest occurrence of weddings. Some incorporated all of these listed traditions, some just a few. The days and the order in which they happened also varied. Again, what you choose to incorporate is up to you, your intended and family traditions.
Click on each blue ACT to see details about the scenes within
Act 1 - Pre-wedding (up to Saturday night)
Act 2 – Wedding Day (Sunday)
Act 3 - Post Wedding (Monday)
Most Ukrainian weddings were held in the Early Spring or Autumn so as not to interfere with the important planting, farming and harvesting schedule. Take a look at Forbidden Days to Marry to see a calendar of days to and not to marry. Some weddings last for more than 3 days, sometimes there are weeks of celebrating with dancing, singing, long toasts, and feasts that includes the entire community. Typically, in Ukraine, the main festivities occurred on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. In North America, Saturday has the highest occurrence of weddings. Some incorporated all of these listed traditions, some just a few. The days and the order in which they happened also varied. Again, what you choose to incorporate is up to you, your intended and family traditions.
Click on each blue ACT to see details about the scenes within
Act 1 - Pre-wedding (up to Saturday night)
- Courtship (Zalytsyannya/Залицяння)
- Proposal (Zapyty/Запити; Dopyty/ Допити; Vyznavanky/Bизнаванки)
- Matchmaking (Svattanya/Сватання)
- Inspecting and Considering (Ohliadyny/Оглядини; Rozhliadyny/Розглядини; Obzoryny/Обзорини)
- Negotiations (Uhovoryny/Уговориний; Domovyny/ Домовини)
- Betrothal/Engagement (Zaruchyny/Заручини; Rukovyny/Руковини; Khustky/Хустки)
- Baking – Korovai, shyshky baking
- Inviting (Zaprosyny/Запросини)
- Branching Out (Derevtse/Деревце; Hil’tse/ Гільце)
- Maiden’s Evening - Divych Vechir/Дівич Вечір
- Wreath Weaving- Vinkopletennia/Вінкоплетіння
Act 2 – Wedding Day (Sunday)
- Dress Up Time (Uberannia/Уберання)
- Redemption Time (Vykup/Викуп)
- Bless Us Everyone (Blahoslovlennia/Благословління)
- Wedding Walk About (Pokhid/Похід; Vyhuliannia/Вигуляння)
- Wedding Ceremony (Shliub/Шлюб; Vinchannia/Вінчання)
- Dueling Parties: Party at the Bride’s (Vesillia u Molodoyi/Весілля у Молодої; Povernennia/Повернення)and Party at Groom’s (Vesillia u Molodoho/Весілля у молодого)
- Hop on the Kidnap Train (Poizd/Поїзд)
- Place of Honor (Posad/Посад)
- Who is that? (Predstavliuvannia/ Представлення)
- Peace! (Pomyrennia/ Помирення)
- Place of Honor (Posad/Посад)
- Korovai and Gifts (Rozpodil/Розподіл;Darovannia/Даровання)
- Departure (Vid’yizd/ Від’їзд)
- Foiled...Captured Again! (Pereima/Перейма)
- Welcome Home (Zustrich/Зустріч)
- Unbraiding (Rozpleteny/Розплетени)
- Chamber of Secrets (Komora/Комора)
- Announcing…. (Perezva/Перезва)
- At the Groom’s (Prydatky/Придатки)
Act 3 - Post Wedding (Monday)
- Breakfast of Champions (Perepii/Перепій)
- Gypsying (Tsyhanshchyna/Циганщина)
- Day After Party (Popravyny/ Поправини; Perezva/ Перезва)